To Whom It May Concern
Do I make you uncomfortable?
Does my blackness intimidate you?
Does my kinky hair amuse you?
Does my improper vernacular offend you?
Is the fact that I’m proud of my black skin your issue?
Or is the fact that I acknowledge my blackness something you just can’t get use to?
I’m just asking because it seems that everything I am, say, or do, makes you feel… uncomfortable
I’ve been racking my brain for the past few months now
As I learn the truth about why my skin is brown
You see, from the very beginning of space and time
God had a plan to make His glory my crown
And though that may not make much sense to you now
Just sit tight while I break this whole narrative down
From creation there was Adam
Made from the dust of the ground
In Gods likeness and image
He made man from dirt that is brown
And before you go saying
Oh that can’t be right
Just check the color of dirt
When you leave here tonight
Not to mention the garden of Eden was in Africa
But if you need further proof, just go look it up
Moving on… From Adam came his unwary wife Eve
Who cursed her own seed
By eating fruit from a forbidden tree
And from that very moment man was no longer free
And thus started Satan’s plan to make the whole world deceived
Going forward, I’ll skip down a few generations
Pass Noah and the flood that destroyed all creation
To Abraham, a black man
Who had an horrific vision
In Genesis 15, God showed him his children
His seed would be taken to a land that’s not theirs
He should serve and be afflicted 400 hundred years
Quick question: if the first slave ship was brought over in 1619,
Wouldn’t 400 years later be 2019?
While you ponder that, let me reference Gods chosen people
The Jews, the Hebrews, those whom God calls Israel
For the bible says, those people would be judged
For the sins they committed even after the flood
Now before I go on, this is not a debate
If you want more proof, read Deuteronomy 28
For it says Gods people will be brought to Egypt AGAIN with ships
Okay wait, now let me just ask you this
What symbols are on the back of the dollar bill
Never mind, I’ll just tell you: it’s a pyramid and an Egyptian eagle seal
Now why on earth would the U.S. use Egyptian symbols as seals
Sounds to me like prophecy being fulfilled
In Revelation 2, God says some call themselves Jews and are not
And that deception from Satan is not easy to spot
Now brace yourself as I give you this next bit of truth
Cause it gon’ make you feel real uncomfortable
The chosen people of God look just like me
Yes real Hebrews, true Israel, are black kings and queens
So now that you know just a fraction of the true story
Let me further prove my point using black history
For Jesus said in John 15, ‘you will be hated just like me’
Yes Jesus, a black man, check Revelation 1:14 & 15
Oh wait, does that make you feel uncomfortable to
Hold on, I’m gon’ hit you with little more truth
Truth is, we’ve always been hated by your people
It was you that made the color of my skin an issue
You portrayed my blackness as evil
Deemed us violent, savage, and said we’re unequal
But last time I checked, you ain’t been hung on a tree
Or shot down, innocently, in the middle of the street
Or put in chains and beat
Or whipped mercilessly for wanting to be free
But it’s me that makes you feel uncomfortable
You take whole nations and annihilate them
Stay riggin’ the game so no one else wins
Sink the boat so we’re forced to swim
Attempt to break us down again and again
You conquer the world and steal things that aren’t yours
Everything you’ve acquired has been taken by force
Yet still, I make you uncomfortable?
I guess the point I’m try a make is that we ain’t straight
And everything is not okay
And I hate to have to be the one to say
You gon’ have to be a little uncomfortable
For the trails and tribulations my people still go through
Because contrary to popular belief
My people still ain’t free
And there is no such thing as equality
As long as my people keep dying in these streets
Because every single day, black men are getting killed by police
And it ain’t always on the news but it happens daily
And everyday, black woman are still made to feel less than pretty
Like our features ain’t something your women envy
Got little black boys thinking they can never achieve greatness
And little black girls proclaiming “Black Girl Magic” are told they’re racist
And while I know that everyone isn’t like this
I’m just telling you how it all makes sense
And if the facts still offend you than you’re accountable to
For making us feel like we’re less than you
When in reality, we are far more greater than the rest
Because we continue to survive after much distress
And just for the record, I’m not upset
I just want God’s chosen to be treated with respect
And until you learn to acknowledge and accept the truth
You gon’ always feel just a little uncomfortable