Meet this years’ students at Children’s Relief Minstry
These students are supported by the prayers and donations of New Beginning Covenant Ministries
Special congratulations to Cynthia Kargbo on graduating from college
Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2019/2020!
It is with grateful hearts we present to you the Zion Praise Academy 2019-2020 graduates of CRM. Despite the challenges that 2020 presented, your prayers, donations, and financial contributions provided food, housing, education, and supported the salaries of the teaching staff at Children’s Relief Ministry for another year. It is with your continued support that we will continue to stand in the gap.
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Children’s Relief Ministry
Founded in 1997 by Sam and Isabel Kargbo the Children’s Relief Ministry provides housing, meals and education for school-aged children in Liberia, Africa. New Beginning Covenant Ministries has partnered with CRM to provide financial support that helps cover the cost of food, teachers salaries, and infrastructure needs. NBCM has made several trips to Liberia and endeavors to continue to provide financial support from home as well as on site support.
For more information on CRM and NBCM’s Africa mission click below. Click here to donate.
“ …Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” - Matthew 25:40
NBCM is committed to seeing CRM thrive. Click the image to see video from our most recent trip to CRM.