March 27- April 4
We now understand that we were never meant to celebrate the holidays of the world - Christmas, easter, etc. These holidays have been mixed with pagan practices, just as it was thousands of years ago.
This is an everlasting command to keep those festivals.
The question is: are we to keep the feast day based on Deuteronomy 16:5-6?
With these two scriptures, what are we to do? We have one command that says keep it forever, and another that says only in Jerusalem.
We must remember that the Ruach Ha’godesh dwells in us - His name has been placed upon us - He is with us - we are no longer looking to be reunited in physical Jerusalem, but New Jerusalem, which will be revealed with Messiah, Yahusha.
It is my opinion that we should observe Passover like our forefathers did while in Egypt captivity waiting for deliverance.
Passover meal is to be eaten Friday night on the 15th day of the month - this feast starts the week of Unleavened Bread and continues for seven full days.
Prior to Passover meal, all your leavened bread and leavening agents (yeast, baking powder, and baking soda) in the house should be tossed in the garbage; (after the week of Unleavened Bread you can purchase more.)
The Word instructs that our loins should be girded, your shoes on your feet. Exodus 12:11
The week of Unleavened Bread has two Sabbaths the 1st and 7th days. No work is to be done except for food preparation. It is also a Holy Convocation - A day of worship.
This should be a weeklong festival of joy, giving praise and thanks to His Name.
What to eat
Lamb, Unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, that’s it. I know that some of us are vegetarians or only eat fish. However, this is the one day of the year we will eat meat because it is commanded. The lamb should be roasted, not boiled or cooked with water. While there are no specifics on what the bitter herbs are, we should avoid adding anything sweet to the meat.
From this day forward, every year, I will be praying that this will be the Passover of our Second Exodus and we will be ready to go with our loins girded.
More on the meaning of the Passover meal
Eating the Flesh of the Passover
Yahusha, The Unleavened Bread of Life
Got Questions? Need clarification? Drop us a note below!
Want to learn more about the feast days?