Dear Family,

As you all are aware, it has been announced by the governor that this Friday they will lift the stay at home order. I am deeply concerned about this decision since the virus has become more deadly, the number of infected has continued to increase, and it has even mutated to affect children.  

I am deeply saddened because the rush to re-open the state, and country, is being totally motivated by nothing more than the concern for their economy. Unfortunately, considering that over 30 million people have filed for unemployment, the two trillion dollar stimulus package given by the government has not prevented the causality; which is the virus. This harsh reality will result in an unrecoverable economy.

As I have always stated, my belief is that this worldwide pandemic that has killed millions is the judgment of God, against a wicked and perverse generation. And not only will the virus get worse, but the results of this judgment on the earth will also bring a global economic collapse, a great depression, and famine, of biblical proportion.

Sadly, many this week will return to what they call their “normal routine”; work, entertainment, and even church. This herding back into society will, in my opinion, cause massive casualties. What our eyes will see and ears hear in the coming weeks will cause grief like never before.

Given this reality, I can’t with a clear conscience re-open our church, putting those who I love in harm's way. My dilemma is clear, and my frustration with the system is obvious. They care more about their economy than the lives of the ones who are the economic machine that runs it. The value of life has diminished in this world, and this lack of love for thy brother is what has caused divine judgment on the world.

These times were prophetically noted throughout the Bible, yet many refuse to believe its report.

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

That being said we will continue to share our online posts, as well as Wednesday evening online Family Gathering.

In the coming days, as the ever-increasing signs of the times continue to prove that the end is near, I would encourage you to increase your prayer, fasting, and devotional time. This is needed now more than ever, as a weapon to defend off the deceptive traps of the enemy. The apostle Timothy refers to these days as perilous times. The word perilous means (full of danger). I can’t express enough how important it is to walk continuously with our spiritual eyes wide open.  

While this is needed, we must also remember that we are to occupy until he comes. With that being said, I invite you all to share in the many blessings that await us. Always remembering that according to Genesis 15:14:

“and that nation whom they shall serve will I judge and afterward shall they come out with great substance”.

Again thank you for your faithfulness to the Father, and commitment to His church.
